Articles on the best ramp recipes, cooking tips and news for ramp lovers – everywhere!
The Ramp Vegetable Cure for Fitness?
“It Was the Worst Basketball Season Ever…” “Until We Found the Ramp Vegetable Cure!” “The coach said that the “Gentleman’s Power Elixir” would help our team win more games. But is was the worst product! I been taking a triple-shot of the Power Elixir every day for a month along with a stack with vitamins […]
Can the Ramp Vegetable Cure Help You Lose Weight?
The Ramp Vegetable Cure for Weight Loss? The combination of choice ramp recipes, herbs and the occasional sip of mountain made moonshine, will cure (almost) any women’s weight issues was discovered more than 114 years ago, and for over a half a century been outlawed – despite it’s beneficial effect. Lucida Ramson’s Ramp Vegetable Cure […]
Village Voice Cookbook of the Week Review by Hannah Palmer Egan
The Worst Recipe for Ramps on the Internet? Thanks Hannah Palmer Egan <sarcastic wink> We were browsing the net today, when we discovered that Hannah Palmer Egan listed one of our recipes “Ramps and Salmon Pate” as one of the “The Worst Recipes for Ramps on the Internet”
Can Ramps Cure the Seven Year Itch?
For more than 140 years Lucida Ransom’s Ramp Vegetable Cure has been restoring women to good health… even from the Seven Year Itch “I suffered for seven long years with a lame back and painful troubles during my womanly times every month. But the main issue was, I had recently experienced great pains through out […]
Are the Best Tasting Ramps From North Carolina?
Best Tasting Ramps From North Carolina? Why yes! We feel that the best-tasting ramps in the world are found right here on the steep bluffs of Western North Carolina! Sure lots of other parts of the country can lay claim to growing ramps – but those are just pitiful weak-willed “wild leeks” in our opinion.
Does Cooking with Ramps Make Better Children?
Eating Ramps Works Wonders! “When we hear of so many college boys and girls and other young people in restaurants, stores and offices who seem to be unfit to perform even the most menial of regular duties because of some derangement peculiar to their mindsets (laziness) – we often wonder could it be that their […]
A Ramp Lover Walks Her Path Alone? How to cure “Ramp Breath”
How to Cure Ramp Breath Eat Ramps without worry about the funk Ramps are some the best tasting wild foods most Americans can lay their lips to. But unfortunately ramps have a bad rep due to their stinky side-effects.