Free Ramp Recipes
Flavorful and easy to prepare ramp recipes
Fresh Ramp Vinaigrette Recipe
We got an email just the other day that the ramps were in at the local farmers’ market just outside of Asheville. Yes, we have spies at the market! Okay, not really but since this is WNC’s largest outdoor farm market, it is usually the first place that ramps can be found in our area […]
Ramp & Spice Rub Recipe
This ramp rub was inspired by a Tuscan spice rub. It is very aromatic with the ramps, basil, garlic, rosemary and oregano. It is especially good on chicken thighs, salmon steaks or chops.
Ramped Up Oregano-Garlic Marinade & Basting Sauce
Okay, we know that with our ramp salt blend AND the fresh garlic, you might think this recipe is overkill. And yes you would be right. This recipe is definitely for those people who really enjoy garlic. The addition of the ramp salt just adds an even more earthly garlic favor to this very rustic […]
Ramp Langos
We have never heard of langos (pronounced lon-gosh) before we saw this recipe on 3Foragers. Langos are the Hungarian version of fried dough, and as Southern women, you know we like just about anything fried, especially dough! Plus when you add in ramps (fresh or dried) now you have yourself a ‘Ramp Queen’ winner.
Creamy Ramp Dressing
This is a delicious and versatile dressing. It is great for pasta, green salads or drizzles over green veggies to punch up the flavor. This is easily made in advance or you can just whip it up right before you serve your meal.
Ramp Seasoning Vinaigrette
This tasty vinaigrette is the base for a all our other ramp-flavored dressings. It can also make a nice marinade for roasted veggies, chicken or seafood. ¾ cup vegetable or olive oil ¼ cup cider vinegar ½ pkg. Ramp It Up Cooking™ Ramp Dip Mix ½ teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon sugar […]
Ramp Recipe – Savory Ramp & Salmon Pate
Savory Salmon Pate This is one of Melinda’s favorite “company’s coming dishes”. And I think our ramp seasonings or flakes adds just the right “kick” to this fabulous appetizer. It looks oh, so fancy but is oh, so easy to make! Yield: 2 cups Preparing: 10 minutes 1 – 16 oz can salmon 2 […]