“I Tried Many Remedies but Nothing worked until I Ate More Ramps”
“Every month, I had so many pains (all over my head, neck and shoulders) that I often fainted and had to leave my work as first grade school teacher.
I felt sorry for the poor substitute that had to deal with the 45 whining, yelling, club-wielding horde, I often left behind – but it could not be helped!
The first of classes every autumn were the worst – I had so many pains at the end of those first days, that I didn’t know what to do with myself. I tried many remedies from illegal drugs to strong drink but they were of no use.
The Ramp Vegetable Cure and Me
Then a friend, recommended Lucida Ransom’s “Ramp Vegetable Cure” and I decided to try it.
After a weekend of eating several dishes flavored with this wonderful tasting ramp vegetables, I returned to school that next Monday morning.
To my surprise the heathen horde was subdued and thankfully remained at their desks the entire classroom period! Even the the principle remarked (standing upwind) that my class was now a shining example.
I feel so much better now than I used to and I have had so much relief using meals from the ramp recipe cookbook that I am now thinking of going to work in a high school!”
~ Delilah Samson, NotReal, TN
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