
Does the “Ramp Vegetable Cure” Work?

Do ramp recipes work?Does Eating Ramps Really Cure Women Ailments?

There is overwhelming proof of the value of this cure in the letters (emails) being constantly being received containing completely solicited (and well paid for) praise, and honest, genuine testimony of the results of our recipes.

The ‘Ramp Vegetable Cure’ is efficient and valuable because it contains the pure spring tonic and curative properties of health-giving ramp roots and revitalizing leaves!

Too often women can suffer for months from a train of troubles which undermine their health and brings on severe structural changes (such as gray hair, wrinkles and sagging bosoms) which might require cosmetic or surgical treatments.

We invite all women who suspect that they might suffer from female troubles (now or in the future), to take one the recipes printed in the ramp cookbook, Rapturous Ramp Recipes. and treat themselves to a dish of… Lucida Ransom’s “Ramp Vegetable Cure” as soon as the earliest symptoms appears!

What is the Ramp Vegetable Cure?

A ramp vegetable cure is simply the cooking and eating of a flavorful dish of ramps as seen in this newfangled blog or inside the ramp cookbook, Rapturous Ramp Recipes.

Are All Advertised Ramp Food Cures Worthless?

There is no more reason to condemn all advertised cures (such as our ‘Ramp Vegetable Cure’) than there is to condemn all quack doctors or all illegal druggists as being no good!

Fakes there are in every profession and in every trade, but they do not last long! Take a remedy like Lucida Ramson’s “Ramp Vegetable Cure”.

The true test of its merit is that for over 114 years it has been (supposedly) relieving Southern women in theses United States from some of the worst forms of female burdens:

  • whiny, bored children,
  • devious co-workers,
  • noisy neighbors,
  • no-good, no-bonus bosses
  • and that most terrible of female illnesses – PMS (Putting-up with Male Shenanigans)!


Lucinda RamsonLucida Ramson – the Founder of the Ramp Vegetable Cure – at age 100

From the recently discovered personal journals of Mrs. Ramson…

“I have long held the belief that the power of cooking and eating an inordinate amount of  ramps can make for a wonderful and almost trouble-free life for any woman.

Once I fell under the spell of this “stinking king of spring”,  I would eat of them heartily – each and every season!

And by doing so I was able to raise successfully 16 children and outlive 6 of my weaker-willed, non-ramp eating husbands.

I can say without fraud (unless in a court of law) and without any doubt that the “Ramp Vegetable Cure” does indeed work!

I strongly recommend that any woman at any stage of her life, but especially women of a ‘certain age’ purchase a copy of the ramp cookbook, Rapturous Ramp Recipes, and partake of some th tasty ramp recipes found within.”

More reports on the wonders of the Ramp Vegetable Cure


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