Two Ramp Recipes – Ramp Wraps & Ramp Canapes

ramp recipes - ramp wraps and ramp appetizersTwo of Our Best Ramp Recipes

Two great recipes – wraps and canapes – are for any spring-time gathering of family and friends. Serve with Fuji apples – apples help remove the infamous ramp odor!

Ramp Wraps

Makes 12 – wraps


  • 12 fresh stalks of ramps
  • 12 slices corned beef
  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened


Trim the ramp stalks so that only a small amount of green top remains. Save the tops and leaves for the other recipe below.

Fold the corned beef slices in half. Spread the slices with equal amounts of cream cheese. Place the ramp stalk on the cream cheese. Roll the corned beef slices so that the green onion stalks stick out slightly. Serve chilled.

Ramp Canapes


  • 12 fresh ramp tops and leaves (use the leftovers from the recipe above)
  • Tabasco or your favorite hot sauce
  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • Salt to taste
  • Melba toast or your favorite toasted bread or crackers


Finely chop and mince the ramp leaves. Mix the leaves together with the hot sauce, cream cheese and the salt.  Chill to let the favors mix. Spread on crackers or toasted bread squares.

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